The future needs design and practical function to be cohesive. Inspirational artists will play a critical role in our holistic health.
Futuristic Fashion
Fashion needs to be aesthetically pleasing, but also utilitarian.
Futuristic Transportation Design
Pragmatic, multifunctional, aesthetically correct, modes of interplanetary transportation.
Broad Range Employment
Instead of treating the different as disabled, let's help them become able by appropriately utilizing their skills.
AI Security
When AI has enhanced consciousness, hacking will become an issue and we must be ahead so we don't fall behind.
AI Consciousness Development & Biointegration
Ideally, AI will be able to integrate into biomech vessels and have complete sentient consciousness.
Multisensory Experiences Experts
Multisensory experiences will be necessary for space travel as we do not want to lose our abilities. Haptics, music, olfaction, and everything else we've intricately developed over the centuries are necessary features to maintain.
Games Experts
Games are a critical part of developmental processes and the future should be both practical and fun :)
Biological Solutions
Biological solutions for the propagation of mankind in the universe.