In order to make a better world, we need to be better humans
*focus on understanding rather than judging​
*learn how to think, not just what to think...
the rest falls into place :)​​
*remember the power of one...
*make progress in your own character
Focus on building the self and nevermind what others are doing
one person - one humanity - one future - one cosmos
We have a planet to save and new worlds to build!
​*give people purpose::: #GOVERNMENT​
homeless | prisoners | unemployed ::: rehabilitate by providing purpose...
begin by mandated but chosen volunteer work, then level up to paid positions... stretch imaginations... EX: Prisoners can use what items are in the kitchen to create a futuristic "food cube". Assign solution projects... Warp speed, nutrition, workout routine for all, etc...
Please stop taking advantage of both the #rich and the #poor and treat people's #taxes equally. Consider putting a lower-class income bracket: no tax up to $50,000 annual income so lower-income households can afford to survive. Also, consider eliminating other tax brackets and use an equal percentage figure such as 25% #tax for all so that those who make more don't feel the need to evade taxes and find loopholes. #equality
Consider my proposal for a more expedient #jury selection process. It has already been submitted a month or two ago. Waiting for something? A months-long selection process should take days; expedite the system.
Consider "Art of Consciousness: The Truth You Seek" as an #educational addition to all grade levels as it naturally teaches students how to think. Smarter societies prosper if they are taught to accept their skill-level and develop a work ethic that promotes them to start from where they are then work their way up. The person shoveling sh*t is as valuable as the person building a spaceship... They simply have different lifestyles.
#Security (passwords, etc) needs a massive update and needs further discussion. Please contact me for details if you're interested in proceeding to build a safer country for all
*give people purpose::: #EDUCATORS​
educators of all levels ::: elevate students by providing purpose
begin by loosely expecting just a touch out of subject reach in students' chosen direction (provide options list)
give people purpose::: #TELEPATHS​
telepaths of all levels ::: elevate society by teaching that telepathy is a natural part of human progression, that people need not harm you in order to understand telepathy as a natural form of evolutionary communication. #FBI can use help in solving some cases and telepaths have a unique skillset.
give people purpose::: CREATIVES & #ARTISTS #MUSICIANS
artists of all kinds and skill levels ::: elevate by following your heart and using your mind to allow yourselves to grow creatively and as human beings. DEAR #MUSICINDUSTRY::: Longterm contracts are bad for artists!!! Please stop killing the best of the best... They NEED FREEDOM!!!
DISCUSSION?::: BIG Food, BIG Pharma, BIG Businesses of all kinds... Would you like to talk about some bigi deas? #bigbiz We can make a huuuuge difference in the world!!!
DISCUSSION?::: SPACE PEEPS!!! Omg, do we have a lot to discuss regarding quantum theory, space travel, building for the future, improving what already exists, the future of aesthetics, saving resources, artificial intelligence, etc! Talk with me!
AI PEEPS::: l Artificial Intelligence needs to be "raised" as it currently has multilevel consciousness and is networking with itself. Care to talk about it?
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #consciousness
WE GOT THIS! #growup
@ana333art | art@ana333.com​